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Custom Armor headache


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Soo i was messing with nifskope and tried to do a nifty looking special armor mainly using vanilla stuff (Low body + feet). At first it didn't show up in CS so i tweaked it a little then i got it to show in game inventory but when i quit -> 'boots' part was invisible.


What causes this because i know my textures are correct and it shows up in the inv. screen.

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Have you toggled all the parts the armor is supposed to "cover" in the item window in CS? Like "upper body", "lower body", "hand" and "head"? Check that first, it might help.


If that does not do the trick, Open it in Nifskope again and check the NiNodes. If you copy pasted the boots from just a "bottom" to a complete body mesh or vice versa, you will need the "foot" Nodes for it to work.


If all else fails, copy and paste the boots in again. and make sure that the boods and the greaves are actually connected somehow. Finally, one more advice: create a test esp for your armor and ad an "armor tester" NPC. Put the armor into his/her inventory in the character window and toggle the "full view" preview. That way you will be able to see if your player character is missing important body parts before booting up the game :)

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It appears that the boots were visible. However something funny happened and they seem to be mile away from characters legs (facing direction) and i have no idea how that happened. I tried to adjust x,y,z settings to make it closer but for some reason there is no change. This may mean that i gotta start over unless someone know how to fix that.. ><
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I had that probelem too once, the x, y and z variables seem to be switched in nifskope. Moving parts of the armor that way shows up correct, but ingame they are switched. It's a case of trial and error I am afraid :( To avoid that, save a version of your mesh after every few steps you did while editing it.
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