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Now I'm sure I will get a whole bunch of smarmy comments here, but I gotta vent... :wallbash:

going on 2nd playthrough, thought I would go from Goodsprings to Crimson Caravan the back way around, instead of the "easy" way, but:

- Have you ever spent an hour off of a quicksave, trying to get through a giant radscorpion, a radscorpion, about 6 or 7 cazadores all @ the same area - at level 8 - with your most powerful weapon (cowboy repeater) intermittently not working, VATS worthless, Iron sights not worth a sh1t......game controls choppy @ best, reloading takes a half hour..... good Gawd!

* gimme a break* - patch please?


(s'pose it didn't help that I burned down my good video card the other night, my backup card a Geforce 8400...... think I'm just all around frosted right now - but I kinda feel better now that I've punched some keys :blush: ) Probably just getting too old for this crap

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Well... there was a lot of hate in that post there.


But I'd just like to say sounds more like your rig has issues than the game. The game isn't DESIGNED for it to be easy for you to go north like that. They do stuff like that on purpose. VATS has worked fine for me, though I don't use it a ton. I like the iron sights, even though I mostly use custom-made weapons from GECK that have an EOTech sight or scope.


As far as load times and "choppy" controls, I'd again point back towards your rig. Mine's not uber, but it runs pretty smooth minus the occasional load.


Oh, and about the Cowboy Repeater: It's not meant to be a face-cannon. It's a starting gun.

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Actually, i dont know if its just me... or if its a bug in general. but level action guns and revolvers are kinda broken to me... sometimes... not all the time... when I reload. the animation finishes but I cant shoot or aim down sight for a couple seconds, thats in first person. When in third person the reload animation finishes then my character procedes to run like they are not carryin' a gun. basically holding the weapon but they move as if it was holsterd. This is only with lever action and revolvers iv had this problem with. maybe thats what hes speakin of? Everything else hes said sounded pretty harsh, but I think swish is sorta being a jerk about it.
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I have a string of bad reload/freeze up experiences with the .357 magnum. Running while the hunting shotgun is reloading can seriously weird it out too. The cowboy repeater reload bug is actually a directly stated patch issue.


VATS took a serious nerf in NV. Its very common to be able to critical hit with near 100% accuracy someone with iron sights, and yet the same target reports 0% hit chance in VATS. This isn't a defence of the OP, just some commiseration. Dieing for straying from the guided plot path is intentional. You can pick up arguably the best melee weapon in the game taking that route (Chance's Knife).


There are some great weapon reskins on the nexus that make iron sights a pleasure to use rather than feeling like you're looking down a cardboard tube. None of the iron sights are dead accurate, using them as a reference point is part of the fun of becoming intimate with your weapons. Knowing just how far left or right or up or down you have to position the sight for a particular gun to land a hit... combat becomes a much more tense affair when you have to aim with memory rather than clicking when a precise crosshair passes over a target.


Turn off your crosshair and really learn to shoot from the hip.

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I have a string of bad reload/freeze up experiences with the .357 magnum. Running while the hunting shotgun is reloading can seriously weird it out too. The cowboy repeater reload bug is actually a directly stated patch issue.


VATS took a serious nerf in NV. Its very common to be able to critical hit with near 100% accuracy someone with iron sights, and yet the same target reports 0% hit chance in VATS. This isn't a defence of the OP, just some commiseration. Dieing for straying from the guided plot path is intentional. You can pick up arguably the best melee weapon in the game taking that route (Chance's Knife).


There are some great weapon reskins on the nexus that make iron sights a pleasure to use rather than feeling like you're looking down a cardboard tube. None of the iron sights are dead accurate, using them as a reference point is part of the fun of becoming intimate with your weapons. Knowing just how far left or right or up or down you have to position the sight for a particular gun to land a hit... combat becomes a much more tense affair when you have to aim with memory rather than clicking when a precise crosshair passes over a target.


Turn off your crosshair and really learn to shoot from the hip.



Well said. Kudos.

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I have to agree with you

It was pretty bad for me too when I first started.

Vats is useless until you get a decent level, weapons are weak at the start. I just stopped playing for about a week...

That was... Until I downloaded myself a realistic damage mod. I suggest you try it.


Sure you die easier than before but at least now you can die knowing you can at least deal a hell of a lot more damage!


Hope this helps

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...game controls choppy @ best, reloading takes a half hour...


Sounds like almost every problem you have stems from you computer's hardware limitation. From quickly looking at your profile specs, your weakest link is certainly your GPU, which will really be hurting during combat. That thing has a measly 384 MB of memory; pretty much unheard of in this age of gaming. Consider looking into an upgrade. At this point, it's really easy to do so.

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Hate to break it to you, but they kinda want you going the long way around, there are a number of plot points through prim, nipton, novac, and such which can lead to certain inconsistencies if you avoid them. The decision was probably something along the lines of either sticking deadly stuff along that path and giving people the option of trying, or putting in some sort of convoluted wall to keep the player from going through.



If you're really wanting a shortcut, there is one east of Primm, and one through the Hidden Valley. Be aware that both these areas are infested with scorpions, so not for those prone to death.



As for your weapon problems, some people have them, others do not. To my knowledge, nobody has found a common link towards what causes this or many of the other issues around in the game (such as normally friendly things deciding to attack you).

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