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NV mod req - merchants restock $ and items


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anyone know of a mod that will restock cash and weapons for the merchants? Also, a flashlight mod would be nice for NV would be nice. Running the night mod now and I usually end up sleeping the night b/c my pip boy isn't bright enough to see anything. Thanks!


Not sure about cash, but I find that if I want to restock/refresh a vendors inventory, I quicksave in front of them, exit the game. Load the game and then load the quicksave, their inventory will be updated. Exiting out of the game completely is only needed the first time after you have quicksaved in front of them, after that you can quicksave, exit back to the main menu, reload the save and again their inventory will have changed. Rinse and Repeat. If you load your save in a different area from the vendor (even if you have exited the game) and transition into their area to visit them, their inventory will not have changed.

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If you need to sell stuff, you can download this mod http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36683 . Also here's a pip-boy light mod, though it's not a flashlight it's at least brighter http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34776
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