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Oblivion is Freezing While Exiting


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Alright. I've noticed lately that whenever I try to exit Oblivion, it freezes and forces me to Ctrl-Alt-Delete to exit. This has become a serious problem and it is ruining my gaming experience. I've recently updated my video driver and defragmented my computer, thinking that will help. It didn't. I've tried every way I know how to exit Oblivion without using C-A-D and it hasn't worked one bit. Using the menu, using qqq in the console, all of it hasn't worked at all. I am running Windom's Oblivion Crash Prevention System, but as I exit, it makes the Windows noise to tell me that it prevented a crash, yet the game still freezes. I'm going to uncheck all of my mods, revert back to stock Oblivion, start a new game, and see if that fixes it. But, any help I can get will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks everyone.

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