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Halp! Weird texture issues!


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Hi all, I'm having a weird problem remodelling the caravan shotgun and I just can't figure it out. I've got the model in game and the mesh looks like it should, and the gun looks like it should if you drop it, but from first person the "stock" [barrel part - it's just called that in the .nif] has the textures all weird and messed up, but the butt of the gun looks just fine.


Any ideas?

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If it helps the block/node hierarchy is identical between the stock nif and my modified nif except I pasted over the tristrips node for the part of the mesh I modded.


I had to do some hokey working around because exporting a nif from 3DS 2010 is apparently a different version from the nifs in new vegas (one ends in .07 the other in .05) so I got a warning message pasting a block from one to the other.


I also exported a texture map for the new model and overlayed it on the dds and it fits fine.


The weird thing is the butt of the gun (the mesh I changed) is fine in game, but the barrel part is all funky with the texture.


I'm trying to setup blender to work with .nifs to see if I can get it to export it with the right version, but I can't get a blender version + nif script match. Can anyone tell me what blender version they use and what nif script version they use with it?



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Have you also changed the 1stPerson Static record to use the new textures? Because what you describe, with the texture messed up only when you equip it, sounds like just that. Bear in mind that for Bethesda's engine "1stPerson" is a bit misleading a name, and actually means "equipped by the player", no matter in what view.
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I could be wrong but I want to say the 1st person versions of the default game weapons are listed somewhere under 'Static' in either the meshes.bsa or misc.bsa...I'm not where I can check to verify that atm though...


After extracting the needed nif and changing its textures, you could add it as the 1st person version for your weapon in fonvedit (find the original weapon you modified and copy it as a new record into your mod, then change its properties to point to your modified nif files for model (world, 1st person, etc)

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Well, you know how for example if you edit a weapon, you can select a .nif mesh and textures for it. The thing is, weapons have another "world" record under Static, which lets you select a nif (same or different) for when the weapon is equipped by the PC. It'll be called something like "1stPersonXYZ". That's a bit misleading in that it's got nothing to do with the view, it's just used on the PC even in third person. This one usually selects the same .nif for the existing weapons, but higher detail textures. Unless you edit this one too, you'll get what you noticed: the high-def textures for the old weapon get applied to your mesh, and it looks screwed up.


I assume at this point you're making a replacer. If not, you need to create a new Static first person record for your new weapon, lest you mess up the textures for existing ones. And then select this one on the Art And Sound tab in the weapon definition for yours.


Anyway, to map the new texture(s) you'll have to hit the button for loading a .nif model on the Static record, but if you're doing a replacer, just leave the old one there. You'll also see a list with the parts of the weapon that can be assigned new textures and what they are replaced with. Right click on each and delete the mapping, if your model is ok for first person as it is and needs no special textures for that, or select New if you do have extra high-def textures that should be used only in first person. (But then you'll need to define a texture record for each, first.) Most people just use Delete there. Well, I do, anyway.

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