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New GPU?


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Like most people, who try to push the gamebryo beyond its horrible design, I think I may have reached my limit. I use an ENB and up to 110 mods, please bare with me, and can't acheive anything over 50 FPS. Despite configuring the inis to the most optimal setting for my system, using 4gb NV, switiching to a performance version of the Onix ENB, Performance of the gods, and utilizing the stutter remover I experience lag spikes nearly everytime I exit a building or use mod material.


What I mean is if I use a weapon, from a mod,; but this is minor most of the time. The most noticable spike is in exteriors. If I walk straight ahead, hardly any frames are lost, if however I turn direction, I can go from 40 down to 10 FPS for a few seconds. :S Also I'm seeing a lot of texture popin. Take for example Quarry Junction, the large excavator in the middle will only appear if I get close enough to it, the same goes for other large objects.


To the point, is there a way to improve performance, while keeping my ENB, without switching for a new GPU. I may be modding Skyrim extensively as well in the future, so I know with realvision and 100+ mods can strain it quickly. =P


The card I was considering purchasing was the GTX 970, if I can't figure out anymore tricks to the lag spikes. Can my build handle it?


CPU: AMD 8320

GPU: GTX 760

Motherboard: Asus m5A97 LE R2

PSU: Corsair 600x

Ram: 8 GB DDR 3

Stored on HDD

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