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Need help right hand won't work.....sept for power attack


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As the title says my right hand won't work unless I do a power attack. No spells no nothing, and the left gets buggy too sometimes but I think its the same problem.


I have all of the DLC's and the newest version of Skyrim, BOSS, LOOT, SKSE and TS5Edit.


I have attached my load order below......now for the sys specs.......*I hate this part Y_Y*


ok I exported my MSINFO32 to a txt doc it has all my specs.


I hope someone can help me and thank you in advance.



here's my specs


<script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=cuuYJsLg"></script>


and here's my load order


<script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=CJMB5BvZ"></script>

Edited by ozumasusano
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