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My UI is extremely laggy? However 50+ FPS???


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For some reason, after fast traveling to that crashed bomber in the lake, my UI response has been slow, however I still get 50+ fps on max settings.


If you don't understand what I mean by my UI being laggy, if I hit a button, such as W to walk forward, it doesn't start walking forward until a second or two after I press it. And it doesn't stop walking until like a second or so after I let go.


Like I said, I don't lag at all when doing this, no screen tearing, Vsync doesn't help when enabled or disabled.... its just got a slow response time. And I know its not my monitor or anything because it doesn't do this on any other games.


This is really weird because it never happened until after I fast traveled to that bomber.... So if anyone can provide me with a solution... that'd be great.


Also, I tried lowering my graphical detail to horrendous lows, but it still lags all the same................

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm having the same problem upon entering the Mojave Outpost barracks where Cass is. Weird thing is, modded game or not, if I hire Cass the delay follows me everywhere, across saves of that character and into the Main Menu. If I don't hire her, I get the controls back to normal after I leave the barracks. I guess Bethesda's fix for this is don't hire Cass? Gawd.
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