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Skyrim crashes upon entering worldspace


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Well it didn't take me long to get to this point!


I installed Skyrim on a new PC today, installed texture and an EMB mod for the first time, and upon making the required INI edits for the ENB (Tamriel Reloaded ENB) the game crashes when I try to leave the cell that Live Another Life puts you in, whether it's via the bed, door or 'coc' command.

I'm using LOOT which has given me no errors, the latest version of SKSE and NMM.

I've never used an ENB before so suspect that I might have done something wrong in that area, but I followed the TR ENB's instructions to the letter with no deviation other than installing the ENB version 266 rather than 265 which was no longer listed on the ENB page.


My load order is:




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp


Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

Climates Of Tamriel.esm

Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

The Eyes of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp



DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp

Tamriel Reloaded HD.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp



Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp


dD-Dragonborn-EBT Patch.esp



Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp


WATER Plants.esp



Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp


I noted some graphical issues before I did the correct INI settings, such as the ENB not displaying and the water flickering, but before I corrected that I could at least go out into the world without the game crashing.


Any insight?

Edited by RoguePony
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Maybe try to optimize and compress your textures. Even though you have an ENB changing the way the game looks, the ENB still has to "retexture" the existing textures. Optimizer Textures and SMCO are 2 great tools for this. You should use both. Have you installed and uninstalled or removed mods prior to this? If so then you need to clean your save of those left over scripts. Google search Skyrim save cleaner and you'll find a couple. Other than that, maybe try another ENB and see if that works? Are you using the injector version or the wrapper version for ENBseries? Do you have your antialiasing and your anisotoropic filtering off on the game launcher?

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no need to optimize your textures.


go to enblocal and change the line UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true to UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false

and see if it lets you leave.


If that doesn't work set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true to ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false but you'll need to have UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true


IF that doesn't work then there's an issue with your character equipping the items LAL gives them when they transition from the room. It's happened to me a few times :/ More than likely it's the ENB being a poo.

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Maybe try to optimize and compress your textures. Even though you have an ENB changing the way the game looks, the ENB still has to "retexture" the existing textures. Optimizer Textures and SMCO are 2 great tools for this. You should use both. Have you installed and uninstalled or removed mods prior to this? If so then you need to clean your save of those left over scripts. Google search Skyrim save cleaner and you'll find a couple. Other than that, maybe try another ENB and see if that works? Are you using the injector version or the wrapper version for ENBseries? Do you have your antialiasing and your anisotoropic filtering off on the game launcher?


I installed the listed mods in one session, it's a clean install of Skyrim so no prior meddling.

I'm creating a new game each time I try and get the game to work, no previous saves whatsoever.

I'm using the wrapper version, I didn't know what the difference was so went for what appeared to be the safest option. Did I do the wrong one?

Both are on their highest setting, the game defaulted to Ultra when I installed it.


no need to optimize your textures.


go to enblocal and change the line UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true to UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false

and see if it lets you leave.


If that doesn't work set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true to ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false but you'll need to have UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true


IF that doesn't work then there's an issue with your character equipping the items LAL gives them when they transition from the room. It's happened to me a few times :/ More than likely it's the ENB being a poo.


Both settings were already set to those options.


I would think something was happening with LAL, if it hadn't worked perfectly before I edited the INI files and got the ENB working to some degree. (it's hard to tell in a cave)


I'll try another ENB but I don't know if that's the fault. Different ENBs are just different settings for the mod right?




I downloaded and made use of SweetFX, followed the instructions of the Seasons of Skyrim ENB and voila! Game working perfectly. I noticed that it had an entire directory of files and settings I had to install that Tamriel HD ENB didn't. Maybe installing it with NMM was a bad idea.

It's a bit blurry for my liking but I'll keep it for now, I'll tackle ENBs when I'm in the mood for Skyrim being MIA again.


Thanks for your time! :)

Edited by RoguePony
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