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Sniper Rebalance - Specialist Perk


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Ello all,


I believe that Sniper rifles negate a huge amount of the challenge in this game.

I would really appreciate someone making a new Perk that is needed in order to become effective with sniper rifles/scopes much like the explosives expert.

It would need 3 ranks, so that anyone that really wants to use sniper rifles/scoped weapons really has to specialise in them.


Firstly, we need some way to make the Gun skill less of a boon for sniper rifles. Perhaps this could be done by giving sniping it's own Skill?

Or perhaps we could give scoped weapons a MUCH bigger 'wobble'? With the 3 rank Perk reducing the wobble?


"Steady Hands

Req. Agi 7, Guns 50


I bet your one hell of an Operation player!

Your Steady Hands make using scoped weapons a doddle! Reduces aiming stray while using scoped weapons".


Basically something to really gimp sniper rifles so that I can experience other aspects of the game such as close combat without feeling like I'm forcing myself.



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Ello all,


I believe that Sniper rifles negate a huge amount of the challenge in this game.

I would really appreciate someone making a new Perk that is needed in order to become effective with sniper rifles/scopes much like the explosives expert.

It would need 3 ranks, so that anyone that really wants to use sniper rifles/scoped weapons really has to specialise in them.


Firstly, we need some way to make the Gun skill less of a boon for sniper rifles. Perhaps this could be done by giving sniping it's own Skill?

Or perhaps we could give scoped weapons a MUCH bigger 'wobble'? With the 3 rank Perk reducing the wobble?


"Steady Hands

Req. Agi 7, Guns 50


I bet your one hell of an Operation player!

Your Steady Hands make using scoped weapons a doddle! Reduces aiming stray while using scoped weapons".


Basically something to really gimp sniper rifles so that I can experience other aspects of the game such as close combat without feeling like I'm forcing myself.



Well I don't know about you, but the sniper perk doesn't make it any better when your target is THAT far away.

Headshots at close range with super weapons is another matter. Stealth makes it much easier to score headshots but if your going to ambush someone (with vats), you'd do it close up for the best accuracy.


My character has two-handed and sniper perks, and 100 gun skills, but using a anti-materiel rifle 100+ft (I think about half a grid on your world map?) away with vats is not possible (doesn't let you turn it on).

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VATS sucks in my opinion, it really takes away from the challenge of the game.

You do realize they nerfed VATS even more in NV than in Fallout 3 right?


I tried seeing the "best possible" accuracy if I use VATS from long range... And I get like 0.3%?


At 15~30ft, my VATS are at 95%, then double that distance, 55%... So anything more than 70~90ft away are sorta impossible to hit with VATS, thus turning this system into a "cheap stealthy critical system".

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In my opinion 2 things would balance the game in the way you said, without forcing people to choose to be a sniper permemantly.


- Drastically increase the spread when not scoped in, so the player should always want to use the scope,

- Increase the recoil when scoped, and increase the wobble when moving and not crouched.


This would mean that the sniper is exactly the same when the player is still, but now it would be much weaker at close ranges, because it would only be fully effective when still.

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Thanks for the replies.

However you have the wrong end of the stick, I'm not talking about VATS at all. VATS is fine as it is, I'm talking about non-vats sniping at extreme range.

I can one shot anything, having this perk added would mean in order to do this effectively I'de have to spec for it.

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You shouldn't be able to 1 shot an enemy with a vanilla sniper rifle on medium difficulty? I can't.

Right, unless you got 100 Gun stats with a Anti-Materiel Rifle or High energy weapons with a Gauss Rifle.


Even then I can't 1 hit everything... Deathclaw's DT prevents me from one hitting them, and it's obvious on why they don't create perks for other guns that allows you to nullify some kind of DT, you'd end up sniping everything.


Only the Shotgun and Melee weapons gets the -DT perks.

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Well I'm doing it, Deathclaws too. Headshots with the sniper rifle at extreme range, heads explode 90% of the time.

My guns skill is at 90, medium difficulty on hardcore.


Perhaps better criticals is doing it?

Anyway we're getting off topic, regardless I find sniping too easy so would love if someone could make a perk such as the one I suggested.

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