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Crashing on Wait


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I'm currently experiencing a rather strange error. Whenever I try to wait, I get an 'Oblivion has stopped working' error and shows that Windows pop up where you need to click 'Close Program' to actually close the program. Pressing 'T' opens up the Wait menu without any problems, and I can set how long I want to wait. However, when I click 'Wait', it seems to wok for about half a second, then crashes with that error. I know this will be nearly impossible to work out without the list of mods I'm currently using, so I have attached the load order exported from OBMM.


I'd be happy if someone could help me out with this.

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Disable autosave on wait. Disable autosave completely actually.


I've disabled autosave on Wait and autosave on Fast Travel. autosave on Rest is still on at the moment, but I can disable it if it'll help. In fact, I'll try it.


More info: I can rest/sleep without any trouble. I don't really mind if there's no fix for this problem as long as there's an alternative simple way of bypassing time. The wiki here doesn't list a way of using the console to skip time. I COULD use COBL's time scale function to triple time speed or whatever, but it's a bit too much trouble, especially since I still have to wait for a relatively long time.


Edit: I just installed a new race mod, so I made a new character and used it as a guinea pig. I disabled all the autosave functions completely, then tried waiting. It worked without any trouble when I waited for one hour. I then loaded my original character and tried to get out of the current area due to trespassing and being unable to wait, but on the way out, it crashed. Not exactly sure what's happening anymore.


Edit again: Well, it would seem like the problem itself is fixed by disabling all three 'Autosave' functions and starting a new character. Looks like I might need to get rid of my old one now. xD Thanks for the help.

Edited by kirinelf
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