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Chromatic Aberration Removal v2


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This is a MORE and BETTER updated FIX to play the game without the effect.


First, Chromatic Aberration is in more as only one postprocessing filter integrated
For example, each time at a different point where you lose Health it will enabled again.
And if you use a MedKit it is disabled again.


So I disabled some points where it turns on again.

With the installation of "DyingLightManager" and

the "Chromatic Aberration Begone" as tutorial
i've removed the effect completely to 99% from the game.
And now i never get the CA at low health again, e.g. either by green acidic phlegm of Toad.
But at the moment it removes the exhausted effect!
(Vignette effect if you're out of Stamina in fights and Sprint)#

Comparsion Screenshots:

And never say, "I've disabled the CA effect" if you haven't tested it!

Edited by hivKORN
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