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Pharaun159 - Formal warning issued

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Pharaun159 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:

Mod-/mod-author bashing.

There are ways to request assistance in getting a mod to work properly in one's game. This is not one of them.

Pharaun159, on 22 Feb 2015 - 08:02 AM, said:

I'll be honest, this mod is a cluster@*%#. While i'm not inexperienced at modding skyrim, the skills required to get this mod going lean toward being a mod auther yourself. After fixing various file path issues, and dessembling 3 different mods in order to manually install this mess, i still can not get the animations working. I beleive this may be because of PerMa. Needless to say, i'd choose PerMa over this any day. Doudtless this is going to be an hour long *censored* of a process just to remove all this crap. To top it all off, the mod auther is nowhere to be found on his own mod. I'm really dissapointed. I was really looking forward to useing a spear and spells with PerMas spellbinder perk. I'm removeing my endorsment and following the mod untill the mod auther decideds to actually put in an appearance. Anybody can throw crap mods onto the nexus, and while every mod auther is capable of makeing mistakes, it is just plain unproffesional to just throw it up, and not bother supporting it.

When a mod has over 9,000 Unique Downloads and over 400 Endorsements, the problem is unlikely to be with the mod itself.


And in any case the Number One Rule on the Nexus is: "Don't like it? Don't use it, but pass in silence."

Learn it. Live it.

This warning was issued for what took place here

Restrictions in place
As part of the warning, Pharaun159 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future

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