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Need help with cleaning a mod (TES3Edit?)


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I have just released a mod NoMaaM BBB Animation Theatre which I made with my localized (german) .esm. Now a friendly US user tells me, that he moves over an ICMarketDistrict door, he can see the German name of the ICMarketDistrict: "Kaiserstadt - Marktbezirk". The Reason is that I have placed some NPCs and markers right there.


When I try to clean the esp with TES4Edit, the German name appears ONLY in a WorldSpace Record for the defined Objects http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/4558/cleanicmarket.jpg. So I don't think this is a big problem, but certainly annoying.


Can I fix that without moving the obkjects into the wilderness?

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Yes, this is ONE of the tuts I have read. But it doesn't say anything about the problem I have.


I HAVE removed all dirty records. What is left is a record which defines some objects which I have deliberately set in ICMarketPlace.

And this appears the only record with the german "Marktbezirk". I can't remove this record.

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Click on the German-named entry so that the details are in the right-hand pane.

Look for the entry there that is labeled Name.

Click on the german name for that entry in your mod.

Say yes you want to modify the mod (if necessary).

Change the value for the Name to whatever you want.


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