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Fallout: New Vegas Crash on Startup


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Alright so this has been troubling me for about 2 days, give or take. I try to start FNV (4GB) and it says it's preparing to launch it but then it doesn't launch at all.


Note: I am using MO so some of these mods are combined into one file that may be an issue it may not.


My priorities for over writes are as follows.

Base Game










One Hud

Poco Bueno



Project Nevada

Project Nevada Extra Options

Darnified UI


New Vegas Stutter Remover

Preorder Weapon Fixes Complete


NVEC Bug Fixes

Weapons of the New Millentia 1 dot

FNV Redesigned



More Perks

357 Revolver Re-Retextured

pip boy 2500 handheld



Ammo ingrediants as loot

Alternative Repairing

Armored Bounty Hunter Duster

AWOP - Balance and Cleanup

Black Leather Armored Dustre

Bottle that water

aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water

Brighter Larger Radius Pip boy light

Burning campfire


Cirosans Classic Overhaul

Cowboy Repeater without peep sight

Delay DLC - TTW

Dynavision 3

Easy unlocking - Easy Hacking - guaranteed lockpick

Essential ede and rex


Follower Home Marker
I got Spurs

Companion perk changes

Improved ironsight animations

improved LOD Noise Texture

Interior lighting overhaul

JIP Companions Command and Control

Manual Reload

Missing Ammor Recipes

Mobile Truck Base

The Someguy Series

New Vegas Bounties 1

New Vegas Bounties 2

New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets

New Vegas Uncut 1 - Rotface to Riches

New Vegas Uncut 2 - A Koch and Bohr Story

New Vegas Uncut 3 - A Van Graff Scorned

New Vegas Uncut 6 - If It Wasn't for Betsy

New Vegas Uncut 7 - Pacers Gambit

Portable Campsite

Puce Moons Tweak and Balance Center

Quicker PipBoy Light

Ranger Helmet Neck Cover

Realistic Weapons Damages - New Vegas

Realistic Weapons Damages - Unofficial Update


Single Shotgun Re-Retexture

Sortomatic - Modders Resource

The Couriers Cache

The Inheritance

The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino

The Weapon Mod Meny

True Learning

Wasteland Clothing Hires retexture


NMCs texture pack for nv

Wasteland Flora Overhaul

Deathsong Brotherhood

Underwater Home


Underwater Hideout Overhaul

UWHNV Sorters for MODS

Wave Radio

Shogo Heavy Industries


Weapon Animations Replacer


Note: this is not my load order if that would be more helpful please notify me and I will post that ASAP.


I have tried to run FNVEdit, here is the log: FNVEdit 3.0.32 EXPERIMENTAL starting session 2015-02-25 15:59:45

Using FalloutNV Data Path:
Using ini:
Fatal: Could not find ini
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It sounds like something is loading before a dependance file is loaded. I've run across that in the past and the only way I know of to fix it is unload everything but the core game loads then start stacking a few at a time as a test load but keep track of what fails and when. Remember that some mods do not play well with others if the .esp changes a .esm dependancy file the second .esp is looking for.

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I'm having a similar problem, when I launch the game it goes through the startup, but after a few seconds on the loading screen it takes me back to my desktop but continues running with audio playing.I've tried running it without any mods but still nothing and FNVedit found nothing either, any help?

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