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Knights of the Thorn Lodge - Tresspassing?


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Hey guys,


I recently completed the knights of the thorn quest and became a knight. Now the problem is, whenever I try to enter the Lodge, the door is red and when I enter, I am treated as if I were trespassing (can't wait, can't open chests because they are red, getting followed etc.) Also, Mazoga is nowhere to be found and I've waited over three days for her. Now I did read the sticky, but I think the problem may be that I installed the improvement mod before (Found here), but I am not sure and I've read pretty much all of the comments on the mod file and have found nothing. Is there any way to revert backwards without loading a previous save game (I've been using quicksave for a while and don't want to go too far back).


Thanks in advance!

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I am confused. I thought Mazoga was part of the Knights of the White Stallion, not the Knights of the Thorn. The Knights of the White Stallion lodge is by Leyawiin. The Knights of the Thorn lodge is by Cheydinhal and as far as I know, the game is functioning properly if you are trespassing when you go in there. Are you using a special mod to make it so you can join the Knights of the Thorn?
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