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NVSE Organizer Mod Idea - have base script


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The reason of this post is two-fold: I would like to guage interest in the core idea of an organization mod and ask some questions about scripting that I came across (everything's running, but want to make sure it's efficient and safe).


I'm happy with what I have scripted so far for my own use. However, I could possibly give the script away or maybe work to improve it under a team/community direction if there were others who could join in to create a better exerience for the mod (one that fits in the game nicely and realistically).


So here's my idea: there's a building in the wasteland that's crawling with enemies. Once you've purged the enemies and reached the innermost area of the building, you find a person who has been trapped there. This person introduces his/herself and explains that they were a personal assistant but their boss died when the enemies swarmed in. This brings up dialoge where you can hire the person to help you out. This building would then be set up as a storage area for your character (maybe set up a nice apartment to keep as a home too). Now, there could definitely be other services or options available (I could use help with some fresh ideas on what else to add). I'd like to have the personal assistant bring up the appropriate container windows (without you having to walk to them) but I haven't poked around enough to determine if that's possible.


Some of the other options I quickly jotted down were adding guards, load-out packages (sniper, grenadier, assault, melee, etc.; but how they're defined would need to be figured out/agreed upon). Plus, since this is a personal assistant we're dealing with, they could be in charge of hiring the guards (or possibly even personal chefs, mechanics, technicians, etc. that all drew out of your supplies in the storage building). Heck, if I were living in the wasteland with some trade-skills and no fighting abilities, I'd want to work for someone and do my best to save the wasteland from behind a desk/cook-top/workspace! They would be like stay-at-home companions.


Anyway, so far the most I've messed with in modding NV is a little scripting and switching around some meshes in weapons for mods. I haven't gotten anything to work as far as creating new NPCs and dialogue, so I know I'd need someone to work on those as well as voice-overs if someone felt so inclined. I'm new to NVSE and I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to get the base script up and running. The main thing I ran into was the script not wanting to save when I tried to do a ref variable on a container. However, everything works fine when I grab those items from the objects list in the cell view and throw them into a formList. Is there any problem in doing that? Like I said, everything is running to where the script doesn't need to be changed when new container(s) or sort(s) are added (since it's all based on formLists).


In closing, if someone's interested in joining up or just acquiring the script, let me know. I'd just like to see a cool mod like this and if there's something I can do to get it started, then I hope this can!

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Update: Still testing some various things with the base script. I've noticed that the current version will not handle item conditions and mods. I need to look into more scripting options and see if I can get that info on the items and pass it along. The game handles it fine when they take weapons from you upon entering casinos. I'll start looking for it, but if someone already knows where that is, please let me know.
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Update: Still testing some various things with the base script. I've noticed that the current version will not handle item conditions and mods. I need to look into more scripting options and see if I can get that info on the items and pass it along. The game handles it fine when they take weapons from you upon entering casinos. I'll start looking for it, but if someone already knows where that is, please let me know.


RemoveAllItems has a condition to retain ownership. If you do the conditions saved. otherwise its not.

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I thought I'd share what I've found out so far since I haven't found a good explaination of how to use RemoveAllTypedItems online yet:


sourceContainer.RemoveAllTypedItems destinationContainer 1 0 TypeCode exemptionList

A short list of Type Codes:

24: Armor

25: Book

26: Clothing

29: Ingredient

31: Misc

40: Weapon

41: Ammo

46: Key

47: AlchemyItem

49: Note

50: ConstructibleObject

51: Projectile

52: LeveledItem

(complete list)


For my purposes, the default flags (1,0) work. I don't know which one is for permissions and what effects could be obtained by utilizing these flags, so if someone knows, please drop a line.


I've found that, when using NVSE, I can change the player reference to different containers in a formList. I like this because it allows me to have a dropbox in game and the ability to hit a trigger when I want sort it all out. I'd rather not take from the Player until I have scripts and methods for figuring out load-out packages, default gear, etc.

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