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Problems with in-game rendering, clothing mod


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I guess that I missed that this forum was even here, no wonder I didn't get any replies in the mod-talk section!


So, I started attempting to make a clothing mod earlier this week. By that, I mean I've had to learn nifskope and blender from scratch, as this is my first time attempting to do this. I've gotten it to where everything will appear in game, and it doesn't crash to desktop when I equip it. Most of the items look fine, but there are a couple problems with 2 meshes, the front and back of the lower robe. On the front there're these strange protrusions that come out of the mesh. In the back it hangs kind of crooked to one side. I've put some pictures below to show what I'm talking about, 3 and 4 are close-ups of the problem areas. I haven't gotten to making custom textures yet, I've just used some that I've had lying around that I thought would look okay in the interim, but I can't see how that would be the problem. The problems don't show up in the blender model, just in-game, so I'm not really sure how to fix it.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've read/watched like 20 tutorials in the last 4 days, and this one is really just stumping me.






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