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Ideas for a new spells and spell balance


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I tryed many (or, not many,... if you think that glass is half empty) "new spells" mods, and i can say - i quite disapointed with them. Most of them just add a new effect for a standart damage spell, and when an effect is really unstandart and interesting (e.g. 10sec or till first hit Baleful polymorph or 6 sec (!) Evil twin from Apocalypse) its just a useless trick. And, can't not to mention overpowered god spells (e. g. Banish everything spell).

So, whats my ideas:

Intellegent spells. Do someone still remeber the age before Dragon age, when spells was smart enough to hit enemies only, not friends or neutrals? Someone remember Neverwinter, maybe? Yes, i know that stupid spells was TES exclusive from the ancient times (and it always made me sad), but now Skyrim have a cloak spells, which damage enemies only. I want that! I want a destruction perk that makes all harmful spells harmless to none-enemies!

Returning to cloaks. Why there only direct damage cloaks? I want more! Healing cloak, invisibility for comrades cloak, paralizing cloak, terror cloak, calm cloak, protecting cloak, etc.

Weapon buffing spells. There is only one that kind spell in vanilla - Elemental Fury shout, but i think it posible to make a many variations - again, if you remember Neverwinter spells, you know how it can work. Again, all variation of damage and debufing effects like paralisis, mind affecting, etc.

Untargeted AOE spells centered on caster. Only one that kind of spells in vanilla - Grand Healing. Also, returning to Baleful polymorph spell - i want a spell to turn frendly/neutral creatures to a mammoth, frendly/neutral NPC to a giant (Expert), and even turn them to a dragon (Master).

Edited by Soulnecrose
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These are all rather easy to do imo.


Intelligent spells -> check out the dragonborn perk that does this; use conditions


Cloaks -> all easy to do. don't know if invis would work that way. check out the vanilla cloak spells.



buffing -> simple check out EF, the Alch fortifications etc.


untargeted aoe spells are in the game: fire storm or what it's called


polymorph -> it is a little more involved but with the wabbajack's effect you have the blueprint in the ck, I made my "hex" spell from this



So all your things are not out there. Google for spell tutorials and get crazy in the CK. Have fun.

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