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D3D9.DLL is causing Skyrim to crash on launch.


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Hello! I've got a problem recently regarding Skyrim crashing to Desktop before even loading to the main menu.

I'm trying to mod Skyrim properly, and in the process f***ed up once so re-installed Skyrim (previously enb - RealVision in particular - was working properly). But now, for a weird reason it causes CTDs every time I'm trying to load it - tried loading from both SKSE_Loader and TesV, tried running as administrator - nothing. I've checked all other regarding solutions, tried reinstalling dx runtime and injector version - while the last solution works (at least it loads), it crashes after ~10 seconds from loading the savegame.

Would appreciate any ideas or solutions.

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set this in your enblocal.ini UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true

see if it works


next step is set it back to true and set this ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false

see if it works


Might also help to use the latest enb binary.

Edited by vlaka
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Thank you for the reply!


Tried using both, each at once and then both at the same time - still the same mistake. I am using 0.266 as RealVision requires it (but I also tried to use 0.262 for TrueVision, same thingie)


Before your reply, I tried restarting system and launching Skyrim - and it miracelously worked! Ran around for 2-3 minutes and everything was working as intended - however, the second launch same thing continues - it gives the exact same crash as it gave before.





Restarted PC, same thing - launches perfectly the first time, but keeps CTDing before the main menu on every next launch. Truly strange.

Edited by Teralius
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No, it has nothing to do with the load order - double - checked it via LOOT and everything runs perfectly without ENB. In fact, even injector version launches, but it CTDs 10 seconds after the savegame is loaded or within starting a new game. So it's mostly D3D9.dll's issue, not the mods. However, it still requires fixing, as I predict there will be CTDs and restarting PC after each CTD is unplayable.

Edited by Teralius
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just copy d3d9.dll and enblocal.ini to your skyrim directory with this line in enblocal.ini UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true also delete renderinfo.txt from documents/my games/skyrim and start skyrim again.

Otherwise if your using an AMD card you'll have to use the injector and tweak things a little

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It works that way, but there's no ENB graphics if I do so.






Correction - it still doesn't launch on the second and forth tries as well - tried deleting renderinfo and copying enblocal with correcting ini, does not work. It worked only first time, but without enb. Really strange.

Edited by Teralius
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