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There are numbers of comments about nuclear winter in fallout, so it would be nice to have one  :biggrin: Metro 2033 is one of the best examples for it.


Those are good samples: Link #1 OR Link #2


Armors and stuff would be enough too, but we have already seen green fallout, so why not white fallout winter?


You know...blazing snow storms all over the wasteland (just like those sand storms now). Snowy terrain. You are greatfull for any kind of warmth and all those things that will make survival finally truly vital for your life.


I have never felt in FNV like scavenging or making something like bullets or food is necessary or just fun. Its mostly boring, because one picked gun makes up for tons of crates and stashes and u can always find or buy all you need. Bullet and power should be most expensive things here.


If u've read or at least played Metro 2033, you should know what i'm talking about.   :teehee:


What do you think?  :blush:  Hardcore survival FTW!   :devil: 

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So instead of blazing hot weather, you have icy cold conditions that requires actual clothing that keeps you warm?


Lost Planet: Fallout Edition?


I just thought up something awesome! Survival not in a wasteland, but a Winter Wasteland!


Ghouls are turned into Abominable Snow Ghouls, etc.

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So instead of blazing hot weather, you have icy cold conditions that requires actual clothing that keeps you warm?

Lost Planet: Fallout Edition?

I just thought up something awesome! Survival not in a wasteland, but a Winter Wasteland! Ghouls are turned into Abominable Snow Ghouls, etc.

Yeah! And all that stuff like that :thumbsup: That is what i meant...I think that FNV is quite lacking survival and apocalyptic feel even with all those hardcore mods. FO3 was better in that way and with wasteland survival mod... it was great. This could be finally interesting.

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I believe there is a winter mod that adds snow to the wasteland (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37130 Frozen World). It would be cool though if somebody who is good with NVSE and the GECK could somehow make it so snow would appear at appropriate times like, if lets it was January or December and it Winter time, instead of just snow all year.
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