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WCIF these two ore mods...


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I couldn't really add too much info to the topic so I'm sorry but

I don't know if these are a thing, but they should be, so they probably are.

Is there a mod that lets me smelt weapons back down to their ingots? Like instead of having to find hundreds of iron ores I can collect iron swords and smelt them down into iron ingots?

Or like with ebony weapons: ebony ingots.


Also is there a map mod that puts all the locations of ores...? If you've found them maybe?

I find ore veins then lose them, and can't ever find them...

Specifically I always lose the stupid corundum ore vein near Lakeview Manor, but I don't know if it would be able to help me with that.

Still, a generalized location of where ore I've found might be located would help.

I looked for some of these and I couldn't find any but maybe I'm bad at searching?


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