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Clipping with hockey mask fix (not a hat)


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Hey all, I have looked for an answer to a clipping question for a while now and I cannot find the specific answer I am looking for. I have manually used Fo3edit to remove the "hat" tag on hockey masks, but now that I can equip a hat on my head as well, the hockey mask clips through every single hat. I am wondering if there is a way to force the hat to be seen over the masks always.


If this is answered someplace that I did not come across, feel free to direct me there and delete this post.


Thank you


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As far as I know there is no

...way to force the hat to be seen over the masks always...

That's one reason why those flags are used, to avoid clipping.


I think you have two choices: either create a mashup of a particular hat/mask combo or chop the top off the hockey mask, both options in Blender.

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