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Starting Done Right!!!


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Hello this is Achaley nice too see you all again so i was thinking one day why were you put into that cell and i got thinking i wish that the main quest started off diffrently so i started looking for alt start mods but none of them fit my list of features some came close but none quite did it so can some one make a main quest mod that goes like this



when the intro vid starts you enter not the cell window but the ship coming in during the fly through you create your character give him his looks his race etc then when you land in the harbor you speak to the customs officer who asks you various questions that shape you characters background and gives you various benefits like the mod Who Am I then as your leaving an imperial soldier who hates forigners throws you in the imperial prison for no good reason and then the main quest starts as usual


this seems like the most lore friendly and the most imersive in my mind hope you guys can help your friend Achaley

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yeah i thought of that one but it only makes it so you arrive by boat i want a mod that feels more immersive than that one no offense too the modder but please a rat has the amulet of kings you think baurus would have hunted down that rat or gotten too it before a rat did i want one that makes me feel good if i want too but bad also
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