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Disabling or Lowering the blood and gore

poetic nexus

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Is there any way to mod the blood and over the top gore in Dying Light?


Fallout 3 had an ini tweak called "Disablegore=1". There was also a nexus mod called Gore no more which further took away the over the top gore and torture in Fallout 3.


Any help or insight would be appreciated. Thanks!


P.S. Please respect the fact that different people have different tastes, and let's not turn this into a debate. I went through personal experiences which make over-the-top gore affect me more than it might affect other people.

Edited by poetic nexus
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^That doesn't sound promising. However, in the developer FAQ list they did state that they would offer the option to disable gore, so maybe it's hidden in the code somewhere?



The gameplay looks extremely gory and graphic. Isn’t it a bit too much? Aren’t you concerned about the level of violence in the game?
Dying Light will offer the option to turn off the gory elements of combat, but it is a game targeted at mature users. The violent and graphic nature of combat serves to really give the players a feeling of real danger and fighting to survive, which is integral to the game.
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