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Here is my custom sword model I've been trying to get into Skyrim for forever.


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Okay, first of all the the guard's sword is irregular and hard to unwrap
Second, you don't need blood meshes, not yet. You first end the weapon, unwrap it then create the meshes for blood effect.
Third, you had to optimize the model, some parts like the extension of the edge (invisible in the model) should be removed, because this part of a model had no effect in game, (extra unused polygons). Also another part to unwrap (for something you don't need)

I want to help, not do other's job so what I did was optimize the sword, make it more symmetrical (except for the pomel [egg] and the "rubbers" on the grip)

This model isn't unwrapped, that's your job sorry. But its way to easy now.


Remember the bloodedge it's the last part, you don't need it now.

Good luck :thumbsup:

Edited by Dumitas
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thank you so much. i'm still learning and this sword has been in my head for 20sum years since it's conception in pen and paper AD&D. it will be good to finally use it instead of just look at it. again thank you very much.

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