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Using Eyefinity with Vegas


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I am new to PC gaming so be gentle :biggrin:

I am using a HD5770 card and Eyefinity with a resolution of 4320 x 900.

The game plays fine but the two side monitors looked stretched and distorted so I changed the INI files so that I have a FOV of 35 which gives me the same shape/size etc image across all screens. I also had to change the 1st person FOV to 25 so that weopons didnt stick out a mile in front of me when aiming.


My problem is that when I adjusted the FOV to 30 it has given an affect that everything is much closer and made looking around less enjoyable especialy in buildings. The area I can see top to bottom is much narrower and I have to look around a lot more to see above and below compared with the normal settings. I think I need to zoom out while in 1st person view or make things appear further away so I can see more area but I dont know if thats possible.

Has anyone been able to fix this with eyefinity or have any ideas?

I have spent ages on google and just cant find the right answer.

I'm not concerned with the HUD etc, I am only concerned with the overall view.


Idealy I would like to have about 140 degree view with the image evenly spaced across all 3 screens with out distortion and be able to see the same top and bottom as when in single screen mode.

Hope this makes sense! Appreciate any help anyone can offer :thumbsup:

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