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crappy ending :(


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it would be easy to raise a army if you do all the all the guild quests you have the best fighters mages and assasins and equipment is easy to get you have a army of thieves and sheogorath has a army of mazken areul youll win by a land slide
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I can imagine another set of quests to complete if you accept the offer to become the next emperor/empress.

You know, the whole of Cyrodiil is in chaos right now, so I suppose it'd be imperative that you take control. A large portion of the Imperial Legion was hurt, and so that needs rebuilding. Some of the provinces might take the chaos as opportunity to rebel, such as the High Elves or the Dunmer. You'd have to take the sad duty to suppress the rebellion.

Then there's the need for countermeasures against further Daedric incursions due to the lack of the Dragonfires. Mehrunes Dagon wasn't killed, to my knowledge, he was just banished back to Oblivion, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Chances are, he'll try again, and so proper countermeasures must be put in place.


And once all that's over, the emperor could control lots of things. First he'd set the level of the taxes all across Tamriel. Then there's military presences, expeditions, etc. Trade, tariffs, embargo, economy. All at the power of the emperor.



However, the main problem with this is that the player isn't always an Imperial, and only an Imperial can become Emperor. I suppose they could settle for "High Councilor" or something like that, sort of like a figurehead for the Emperor spot.

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I can imagine another set of quests to complete if you accept the offer to become the next emperor/empress.

You know, the whole of Cyrodiil is in chaos right now, so I suppose it'd be imperative that you take control. A large portion of the Imperial Legion was hurt, and so that needs rebuilding. Some of the provinces might take the chaos as opportunity to rebel, such as the High Elves or the Dunmer. You'd have to take the sad duty to suppress the rebellion.

Then there's the need for countermeasures against further Daedric incursions due to the lack of the Dragonfires. Mehrunes Dagon wasn't killed, to my knowledge, he was just banished back to Oblivion, no? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Chances are, he'll try again, and so proper countermeasures must be put in place.


And once all that's over, the emperor could control lots of things. First he'd set the level of the taxes all across Tamriel. Then there's military presences, expeditions, etc. Trade, tariffs, embargo, economy. All at the power of the emperor.



However, the main problem with this is that the player isn't always an Imperial, and only an Imperial can become Emperor. I suppose they could settle for "High Councilor" or something like that, sort of like a figurehead for the Emperor spot.


Ah, your wrong about the Mehrunes Dagon thing. He was banished to Oblivion, and the gates to Oblivion were sealed forever. Thus, they can't open again :D Although Tamriel was Dagon's plane, he can't come back now :D

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