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Interesting yet strange bug

bottled leaf

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This must have been something a modder was tinkering with in the construction set. Perhaps he made this test chest and by mistake editing all chests in the world so that Actors reside acually IN the chest. Open up the cs, load all of your mods, and investigate. Tell use what you find.
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Hey, MovingSalad, can I be a captain of your Waffen SS (Spell Smart, not Schutzefafel (sp, I'm not a Jew hater!), or your Gespellright? Or, better yet, how about your Himmler for your Luftgramah? Eh... more seriously, I encountered a similar bug, just with actual chests instead of NPCs. Whenever I put someone's work into my own mods for my own personal use, sometimes there are copies of the chest in that chest. I dropped one (in Bruma), and, sure enough, there was a chest in the air! Then, seeing as the weapons were a waste (I marked it as respawning), I created an epic battle of the guards, and all the civilians were running around, picking up those weapons, and killing the guards!





(OMG! 55 more posts until I can create my own custom rank!)

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