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Contruction Set Problem


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So I've searched around the internet and nothing helps. All the mods I make using the Construction Set don't show up ingame.

I save them in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data which is also where Oblivion is obviously.

When I start the Oblivion Launcher I go to Data Files and check the white box so there is a black cross over the mod.

The mod says "Zens Special Mods.esp (Player File)". I play and it doesn't show up.

I made a spell that disintegrates armor and weapons and also kills the target using the script effect "kill".

I go to Vigge The Cautious in Skingrad to buy the spell. I put the spell in his list of spells for sale and it doesn't show up.

Something I've noticed is that my Knight's of the nine and Shivering Isles DLC's are called (Active File)'s. They work perfectly.

Maybe I need to set my CS mods (I have not tried any other mods, no.) to (Active File)?

Thanks ^^

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Are you using the same language version of game and CS? I encountered a problem where someone could not use my English mod on their Spanish Oblivion, and have had trouble using German mods on my English Oblivion.


Maybe you should do a really obvious test. Put six zombies in the Skingrad Mage Guild. Play-test and see if there are any zombies. That test could prove whether or not your software is allowing you to make and use mods.


Vigge not selling a spell is much more subtle. You have to catch him at the right time of day when he is in the right place using the right AI package. Your mod could be working fine, but you are just there at the wrong time.


In the CS, the active file is the one you are editing. It is the one your changes are saved to. You can have other mods open for reference or for copying things from, but they do not change when you click save.


Depending on what mod manager you are using, the correct way to activate a mod is to put an X or a check in the box next to it.


I wonder if you are having Windows Vista or Windows 7 problems. Oblivion is for windows XP, and with these other operating systems, you have to take measures such as reinstalling your game to C:\Games\Oblivion\Data or somewhere else outside of the accursed, buggy Program Files folder to make and play mods.

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