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Not sure how the NPCs know, but I was told the guards get the ability to see you steal something from 4 miles away, in another building because of the "special" donuts that only police and apparently guards can get from donut shops. I was also told you can't get fat from eating these special donuts. Maybe the NPCs are some how getting those special donuts too.
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How can an NPC still "catch" you stealing even if they're the only other person in the cell, and they're literally across the room and there are several walls between you?


WTF... they have X-ray vision or something?


What I have found is that it is even worse than that...you can kill a guard anywhere in the city and every guard knows about it almost immediately. There are some things you can do. If you have a 100% or higher chameleon and a 100% or higher sneak, you can walk around and take nearly anything right in front of people and they don't know it. Unless, they are Argonian, then, sometimes, they see you anyway. I haven't figured that one out yet. lol


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I'm sorry that I have to ask it, but really, OP, is there a reason to start a new topic over every insignificant thing? You started dozens and dozens already. You still won't beat Site Bot, if that's your intention :)


Besides, 70% of your questions can be answered by "it's magic... umm... magicka".

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It's not like any sort of a problem... but really, there's not much to discuss in such cases. Just a glitch or underdeveloped moment that just happens. But if you please, go on. I don't think Site Bot would mind, he's a very nice guy :) I was just curious :)
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Your doing a fine job of generating some discussion and providing a thoughtful distraction for at least some of us. Post your questions - I like them, they make me forget about my day and give me something else to think about thats calming and relaxing. If the answers I have posted are not to your liking, let me know. I tried the "correct" answer from the lore books I have and recently tried some humour - hope I have not offended.


At least your not posting a bunch of sick pictures of some over endowed under dressed dead eyed erotic fantasy.


Sarya, maybe I need to work on my russian idioms, but your baby isn't hanging? (from?) How bout an explanation, I don't get it and I don't imagine many others do either.

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What you experienced is the smart AI they implemented into this game. Oblivion veterans around here find such things funny, some even considered it's even more fun to change certain things(mods), but most just enjoy these gliches the game has, becouse without'em this game won't be called Oblivion, it would be called Imposible(I asume you guessed why). Anyway, learn to enjoy them and you'll be fine. :thumbsup:





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Baby isn't hanging... ? o_O



Ah, my signature, you mean. That's sort of modified russian proverb, translates as "it's fine whatever the child does for entertainment, as long as he doesn' hang himself". Originally it was about crying instead of hanging oneself, but the words for "entertaining" and "hanging" a rhymed here.

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