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Dynamic Leveling Mounts


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My idea is for mounts that dynamically change, grow, and can be upgraded as your character does the same. I thought that a special steed could be added that would change based on certain key perks you have and equipment you own. For instance, if you are a mage and get the various skill level perks (novice, apprentice, ect) in each respective magic school it might effect the appearance or abilities of the mount to reflect those choices.


I also thought the mod could add special vendors/trainers at stables to buy new special mount equipment and armor, as well as provide special trainings (such as teacher a steed to be a warhorse). The mount's appearance and abilities could potentially change further if the player is a vampire or werewolf (or both, assuming one of those mods are installed), even based on certain ranks within the various factions.


Something else that strikes my fancy but would probably be more difficult would be to give the mount some personality and emotional connection by giving it special AI to interact with the world and giving it some quests, or even some player interaction.

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