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Joshua Graham Armor Edit


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I'm sorry to be a pain, I have tried to do this and failed. But I was wondering if someone could attempt to slightly edit the Joshua Graham armor mesh for me.


  • Remove pouches on vest
  • Remove pouches on belt

I love the armor but the clipping issues are really bugging me :sad:


Thanks in advance!


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I doubt it will be a problem to remove the vertices, probably just take a minute or two. But most of the time the texture around and underneath is dark or black to simulate shading of depth. So your probably going to have black boxes under your ammo boxes. Probably won't be a big deal on teh vest since there's plenty of texture to C&P to cover over it, but the jeans are a different story, as they don't have any texture that is the same as the front. However they look a lot like the ranger jeans, so maybe the texture could be taken from them. If not, I won't do the texture by hand. I don't have the time.


With those caveats in mind, do you want me to try it?

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I had a feeling that the textures would be like that underneath but that isn't a problem, I can create textures just fine and I enjoy doing so! :blush:


If you have the time I would love for you to try out removing the pouches from the mesh, no need to worry about the textures I can do that.


Thank you so much! :thumbsup:

Edited by XxSnowblindxX
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I had a feeling that the textures would be like that underneath but that isn't a problem, I can create textures just fine and I enjoy doing so! :blush:

Good deal. OK you can download it here. When you finish the textures if you could upload them I'd appreciate it. I'm not going to publish them (although you can if you want to), but I might use them as a base for a whole new outfit.


Would you like the female version done as well?


Thank you so much! :thumbsup:



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Oh I feel like a total prat! The boxes were removed perfectly thank you very much! but I just wanted that done to the regular wearable version, the one without the badages x,x (The mesh you sent has the bandages added)


I'm really sorry, but either way I'll get right onto the textures and send them to you when theyre done. I can do the female ones too if you want, though I probably wont use that version myself :smile:

Edited by XxSnowblindxX
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