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GECK Scripting IDE?


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Is there any software or applications that functions like a IDE? I'm wondering if there's a plugin or some sort of way to make scripting more efficient or easier.


The idea is that you'd have to keep going back to a document to find syntax or functions, while having a IDE can quicken that process by giving you a list of syntax/functions.


Say you type:


If (_


Hit Ctrl+Space and a small list will pop up showing you what you can put in there.


Since Gamebryo uses it's own set of scripting language, I doubt people would convert that language to be compatible with current IDEs in form of a plugin... But it's not impossible.

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There isn't anything that fancy. But by using Notepad++ and this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10322


Brings colors, keyword highlighting, and helps you keep track of your code blocks and keep your indentations lined up. I just do everything in Notepad++, copy all then paste into the Geck script window.

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Actually, it'll be cool if someone can make a plugin for that, that opens up a mini document of the actual wiki page and grabbing the information from there... Somehow... Maybe using a XML? But yeah, having colored notepad++ for syntax and functions are a start.


BTW programmers do their methods by creating a template for the GECK script, save it, and import it via GECK on a specified folder...

Copy and pasting works too though! XD

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Okay, I figured out how to get the ammo's effect to work.


Apparently, the OnHit block only works if damage is calculated...

Which, is bad.


The good news is that if you remove the if statements from the "boxing gloves" that checks creature types, and just put 10000 fatigue, it'll drop em right off the bat.


The bad news is that if you are seen tranquilizing the person, you will be aggroed.


I shot easy pete at a angle from afar, but was seen so after he woke up, he was still aggroed.


It works wonders against enemies, but if you want to use it against allies without angering them, you gotta do it without EVER being spotted, or being too close when they are unconscious (I'm not sure if they pick up aggro if you stand near em when they are out).


Another idea now is possibly a smoke grenade that creates a effect on targets in the vicinity, knockout every living being that has a nose.

Knockout gas!

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