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Witch Hunt disappointment


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The whole "Morrigan finds a way to sleep with Alistair and the PC doesn't know it" was in the original game, but was cut for any (or all) of the reasons one can imagine. Evidence of this plot thread still exists if one peeks "under the covers" using the Toolset. There are also completed (and voiced) scenes of Morrigan responding in different ways to the PC's return from the confrontation with Flemeth that were deleted due to last minute decisions.


I wasn't even aware of the "Betrayal" stuff, and so was confused when that line appeared in WH. "What's THAT about?" I thought to myself, "Does this refer to her leaving after I refused the DR?" Then I learned about this "other path". :sick: :yucky: :sad:


(I have installed the MRP, and so have seen what happens if you leave Flemeth alive but get her Grimoire. Since that's waaaaay too easy to do without realizing the consequences, I can see why they cut that branch off altogether. :dry: )

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(I have installed the MRP, and so have seen what happens if you leave Flemeth alive but get her Grimoire. Since that's waaaaay too easy to do without realizing the consequences, I can see why they cut that branch off altogether. :dry: )


What you are referring to I can only assume is in WH and not DAO or did I miss something? I don't want to spoil anything for people playing WH, just curious if I've misunderstood something in the main game.

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The whole "Morrigan finds a way to sleep with Alistair and the PC doesn't know it" was in the original game, but was cut for any (or all) of the reasons one can imagine. Evidence of this plot thread still exists if one peeks "under the covers" using the Toolset.


I wasn't even aware of the "Betrayal" stuff, and so was confused when that line appeared in WH. "What's THAT about?" I thought to myself, "Does this refer to her leaving after I refused the DR?" Then I learned about this "other path". :sick: :yucky: :sad:


Thandal, have you got a link or any examples of this? I do vaguely recall something along these lines, but iirc it was Gaider stating on the BW forums that they (BioWare) could have enforced the ritual as canon (by having *someone else* do the ritual) if they'd wanted to. I just can't recall any examples from the devs where they state that the DR was ever going to be canon (by way of Morrigan doing it with Alistair/Loghain anyway). This all kicked off around the time DA2 was announced when there was concern from Ultimate Sacrifice players that the DR was going to be canon.


Though I'm hazy on the issue, by my recollection Aimo & Gaider's work on the revelation comic was only ever to foreshadow the DR being proposed to the player, sort of steeling herself before making the offer to the player.


I always thought the "you denied me the ritual" branches applied to Alistair/Loghain dying playthroughs, where the DR didn't happen but the PC lived. (that is the set of flags that branch depends upon in WH.)

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I'm sorry I take a long time to reply. I've deleted all my old saved games. My current and only saved game was at Lothering and it's actually meant for MOD testing. Anyway, I replay it back for hours and manage to captured some of the screenshot regarding the whole issue about Morrigan's DR.


It's all begin here:


Morrigan-Alistair secret meeting after Riodan's explaination:

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Morrigan cries that she's only love Alistair. A killing blow for male warden. But here I was playing a female warden because I could not bear the hurt of playing as male warden. :(


Moriggan left the heart broken warden after she refuse DR:

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But in WH the PC says "Why did you betray me?" before Morri has said much of anything.


Not "Why did you desert me?", but "...betray me?" That's a very ugly accusation to throw at anyone, especially without any basis. She responds with "You denied me." Which might have served to justify her leaving, and sounded to me like a tit-for-tat (the leaving for the denial.)


But I was still puzzled. The connotations and implications of "betray" within a relationship are... specific.

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