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Scripting help


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If you don't know the basics of programming languages (control blocks, if/elseif/endif, variables, functions, etc)... GECK scripting may not the place to learn, especially since FO:NV's GECK doesn't like to give useful hints as to what is wrong.


However, if you can grasp the basics that are common to every procedural or object-oriented language out there, GECK script is not that difficult to learn and the wiki does a pretty good job of explaining everything (or the TES Construction Set wiki). For the rest of the tricks, studying the scripts in the game will go a long way towards sorting things out. There's generally always at least one script, somewhere, that does what I want or close enough that I can look at it and transplant the concepts.

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I have a very basic understanding of scripts, and I have a script that does what I want, but when I try to add it to an existing script (Because the object already has a script), it doesn't work, and I have no Idea why. THAT's what I want help with.


I've successfully added this script onto other objects that already have scripts, and it works fine, but not with this particular one.



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