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I tried to change some values in config.ini

for better visibility results and some worked.

For example i boost the values bellow and

the results were fine.




In OPTIONS in FADE section all sliders are

at maximum except the grass that is at minimum.

I got almost unlimited visibility but that what

i want to avoid is the objects sudden "pop-up"

in view. I mean, that iam looking to "smooth"

the way that the objects and trees appears

in view while you are heading towards.


I noticed that oblivion's objects such as the

Fort Grief Island

[bravil quest, Caught in the Hunt]

is not visible [and it "pops-up" suddenly],

while the plugin's island gate to Shivering Isles

[shiverings Isles plugin, A Door in Niben Bay]

is visible from the very far away.


Any help ?

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Really AEVWD and the SI version. Then you need to run TES4LODgen to make your changes visible. Take note this can have a performance impact from very small to very severe. It's highly customizable, from full to minimal install. Make sure you read the documentation thoroughly before you install.


I strongly suggest you use BAIN (preferred method) or OMOD (TNO has scripted installers for both) to install this. There are so many loose files that get scattered amongst multiple folders manual installation and removal is just pure hell. You're better off reinstalling than trying to manually remove so many files. It's like try to manually remove a full texture pack... tedious and nigh impossible to do. So be sure to use an installer.


Good luck and remember to back up your DistantLOD folder before you run LODgen!

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Really AEVWD and the SI version. Then you need to run TES4LODgen to make your changes visible. Take note this can have a performance impact from very small to very severe. It's highly customizable, from full to minimal install. Make sure you read the documentation thoroughly before you install.


thank you very much for your reply and for your help in details.


I tried but i didn't get the desirable visual results. Pop-ups alive.

But [in my current istallation] i was testing mods such as the

Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.6.0 and

Qarl Texture Pack 3 Redimized and further reduced OMOD and

i have a suspision of the conflict between them, so i will try the

procedure in a clean installation to check and this option also.


Thank you again my friend.

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the results in my previus post were WRONG.

By your guidance by the numbers, IT WORKED.

My fault that i was focused only in the first part

of your instructions (because i couldnt found the

1.7 version of RAEVWD. Version 1.8 fited ok),

but the solution was in the second paragraph

in the scripts.

After i merged them (oblivion, shivering isles)

in OBMM problem was solved.

And the amazing is that with the default options

in OPTIONS / VIDEO i got the visibility that i was

looking for. Now, finally, i can SEE. :woot:

Again, i want to thank you friend once more time.


And for anyone that will seek solution in the same

problem in the future i would like you to allow me

to give a perilipsis of your guidance by linear steps.


Download Mods :

{from this page}

RAEVWD_v1_8-20053.7z [for Oblivion]

RAEVWD_SI_Edition-20053.7z [for Shivering Isles]

Download Scripts :

from this page

RAEVWD_omod_Installer_1_7-24701.rar [for Oblivion]

RAEVWD_SI__omod_Installer-24701.rar [for Shivering Isles]

Download Tool :

from this page


from this page


from this page




[For Oblivion]


Add Archive RAEVWD_v1_8-20053.7z

Answer yes and let it finish

Add Archive RAEVWD_omod_Installer_1_7-24701.rar

Answer yes and let it finish

Create omod

Install it


[For Shivering Isles]


Add Archive RAEVWD_SI_Edition-20053.7z

Answer yes and let it finish

Add Archive RAEVWD_SI__omod_Installer-24701.rar

Answer yes and let it finish

Create omod

Install it








Edited by ADHS
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I love RAEVWD and cannot play without it. Makes the environment soooo much better and more immersive.


....and in conjuction with the Natural Enviroments now i got a faery Tale type enviroment to play.

Also i tested the All - Natural and its more than equal to Natural Enviroments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another issue.

I tried a new fresh installation of Oblivion

also in a fresh Windows Xp installation.

Because of low frame rate i switch to

bloom lighting mode and the objects are

not vissible as were in HDR mode.

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