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Hi all.


Could someone with very good modding abilities please make a mod that can make your character become incapacitated? Below are the ideas:


You're walking around the wasteland minding your own business, then suddenly, an attack ensues. You manage to hold off the enemy but at the same time you begin bleeding out and as a result, have been stuck lying on the floor. With no one else around to help, what do you do?


1. When attacked, you have a certain % chance of becoming incapacitated.


2. When incapacitated, you loose blood. After possibly a minutes or two, you're stone dead.


3. To prevent that from happening, you can buy bandages from any doctor in the wasteland.


4. These bandages will help you get back on your feet...but not forever.


5. In order to survive, once you are on your feet, it's best to get to a doctor immediately because those bandages won't last forever.


Anymore ideas welcome.



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