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Append, don't deny


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I find it extremely frustrating when I spend a large amount of time filling out the fields when creating a file and then I submit it only to find that I have to retype absolutely everything because I wasn't allowed a certain symbol in one of those fields.


I think instead of denying the request, these forbidden symbols should just be deleted from the strings and the user should be notified.




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That or, when it gives you the big failure notification, it has the courtesy of keeping your information when you go back. Or maybe, build it in such a way that it notifies you on the side before you even click the Submit button, a la many login sites that tell you if you password is too short, if your name is already taken, etc.
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Good browsers should be able to refill forms when you, say, go back to a page you've already visited. So clicking "Back" should help.


However, I agree that restoring the form on the server side would be helpful, if it's possible. And since Nexus requires Javascript support anyway, checking fields for incorrect characters could be done on lcient side, before even submitting the form.

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