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Floating weapons


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Hello, i have made a few weapon mods (2) using custom models i made myself, and while the weapons mostly work as they should, i find that if i drop them, either one of two things happen, it falls to the ground normaly, then i cannot pick it up, or it floats, and i cannot pick it up.


I made them by making the model, then importing a similar weapon, and for these two weapons to which i am referring, i took the hitbox, handle node, sighting node, and projectile node from them and deleted everything else from the imported weapon (no need for a clip node)


if anyone can tell me what im doing wrong that would be great

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  • 2 months later...

I had this same issue and I finally figured it out. Hopefully you still need this information. Before I begin keep in mind I'm not a 100% which of the strings your about to change actually fixes the issue, but I know it works.


Open up the weapon in NifSkope.


Locate "bhkCollisionObject", left click the little arrow next to it.


Now once the selection expands, you should see a "bhkRigidBody" click on it so the dialog at the bottom of NifSkope Populates with information.


Now change the following's values;


Change "Layer" to "OL_WEAPON"

Change "Layer Copy" to "OL_WEAPON"

Change "Motion System" to "MO_SYS_BOX"

Change "Deactivator Type" to "DEACTIVATOR_SPATIAL"

Change "Solver Deactivation" to "SOLVER_DEACTIVATION_LOW"

Change "Quality Type" to "MO_QUAL_DEBRIS"


and now the weapon should drop to the ground when you drop it. Now again I'm not a 100% sure what values exactly fixed the issue, so if you want feel free to attempt trial and error to figure it out, but this is what worked for me.


An Image That Highlights Which Fields To Edit


When I put custom meshes in the game, I find a similar object thats already in the game and replace that with my new object and then save the file. I figured out what I was doing wrong when I opened up my custom mesh and then the model I used and then compared the two.

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I recomend to look in nif.xml located in the blender foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\ folder or the nifskope documentation files in doc volder of nifskope installation folder.


Search for bhkrigidbody and it has good listing and some simple explanation of the options.

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