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Short/basic mod request


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Ok, but promise that you won't fill my topic, with tons of useless posts...

You said 'Look before you post', and told me to read the quest on the sticky part of the forum, but I had already explained, was that I had already read quests, but just didn't understand them, and in concusion I wanted somone to make a basic level for me, so that I DIDNT have to read the quests... PHEW!


On a lighter and more on topic note... Can anyone explain this part of Puvoholo's quest tutorial:


Next thing is the topics. Go to the topics tab. Select the topic greeting (it is probably selected already), and a few greetings should show up. Right click with your mouse on one of the empty fields (at the greetings themselves, not the GREETING topic) and click on new. Type: “Hi, could you help me? I lost my armor, and I want it back.”


A few things:


What topic tab!!!

What empty field!!!

Where do I type!!!




To the right, there are a few empty fields, with the words add topic above them.


There is not...




If you followed the previous steps of the tutorial you should still have the quest window open. Here is a screenshot which could explain it (I didn't load anything, that's why you don't see any quests now). I think i'll add some of these screenshots to the tutorial, should make it easier for some ;D


The quest window is opened by clicking on the Q icon.


In the NPC editing box (doubleclick on any NPC) there is a button marked dialogue in the lower left. All the other stuff is there.




If you open it that way, you'll then edit the stuff through filtered dialogue. I don't know much about doing it this way, but it is said it could make the dialogue "dirty" (not work properly), so you should use the topics tab of the quest window.


About the script, I said every ID I use is an example, and you should make your own ID's. If the quest stages or quest id in the script are not the ones from your quest, it won't work.


I changed it a bit, it's just a new example

scn simsarmykeyscript; This is the ID of the script. SCN means script name. This should always be on top of your scripts.

Begin OnAdd; When the item this script is placed on (we will do that next) is added to the players inventory, the following thing will happen.

if (simsarmyquest == 10 ); If the quest stage is at 10
SetStage simsarmyquest 15; Set it to 15.

Endif; Just a standard thing you have to type when you used “if”




The stage 10 is what you get when the npc tells you to get the key, 15 is when you pick it up, and 20 (talked about in other parts of the tutorial) is when you gave the key back. You can pick your own quest stage numbers of course.


If you still don't understand it, tell me in this topic, the tutorial topic, or send me a message. And make clear what is going wrong. ;)

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...but I want you to do some pseudo-code first (easy part, but helps you start coding on your own.).



Im checking out some pseudo code, but I don't think that I will be able to figure out what I will want my quest script to be... :P


And thanks Povuholo

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:excl: Povuholo :excl:



Earlier:Pic of Quest

Later:Pid of Quest



Edit: I can't get the pics to work... :(


This is for you to see (Or anyone else who thinks they know what I have done wrong), I already know that both of these sceenshots, are incorrect... I just don't know why. :happy:


Seeing as i can't get the pics to work, can anyone tell me where this part comes into the quest creation???


Next thing is the topics. Go to the topics tab. Select the topic greeting (it is probably selected already), and a few greetings should show up. Right click with your mouse on one of the empty fields (at the greetings themselves, not the GREETING topic) and click on new. Type: “Hi, could you help me? I lost my armor, and I want it back.”


Select the topic greeting


I didnt catch that part, it goes straight from the topic tab, to somthing that I can't see, I thought what you had to do was, press on editor ID, and press new topic, and choose greeting and type new...


EDIT: Merged your posts. The edit button is there for a reason, please use it rather than double posting. Thank you.


- Switch

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I didnt catch that part, it goes straight from the topic tab, to somthing that I can't see, I thought what you had to do was, press on editor ID, and press new topic, and choose greeting and type new...


- Switch



Ah look now that's a mistake on my part. Like you said, you have to press on the editor ID. But then you don't press new topic, you press ADD topic. There you select the topic GREETINGS.


I'll update it to this:


Next thing is the topics. Go to the topics tab. Click with your right mouse button on a blank spot in the editor ID, and choose add topic. Then select greeting. Right click with your mouse on one of the empty fields (at the greetings themselves, not the GREETING topic) and click on new. Type: “Hi, could you help me? I lost my armor, and I want it back.”


You do the topics thing when you've already created the npc, and the quest stages. I'll update the tutorial now, and add some pictures later.

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