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Request: combat TLB


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LiteBrite mode is fast. I mean, stupidly fast. I imagine it's especially true on my computer because the Mobility Radeon 9600 doesn't seem to like lighting and shadows very much, to the point of putting a hit out on whoever rigged all those bloody light sources in some areas...


Basically need I want is a script that toggles /tlb when combat is detected (music starts playing), and toggles it back off when combat ends. It wouldn't have to be a very CPU-intensive script, I think checking for combat every 1-3 seconds would be more than sufficient...


If anyone's willing to do this, I'd be muchly appreciative.

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Eh... Not practical, I don't think. There are some places where TLB doesn't really make for a dramatic difference in the appearance of the landscape, but in some places... It does. I don't know how often you use it but the ground sometimes turns into this pea-soup looking stuff, I'm not quite sure why. But, the main issue is that it... Expands? If that makes sense. Like, there will be no collision, but you can be up to your neck in colorful nothingness. Makes fighting small enemies like wolves nigh on impossible.
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****blocked every time I think a mod's impossible! =D It's annoying, yet kinda a good thing.

lol :v


I'm not all that concerned with the mysterious pea soup phenomenon (some kind of ground-level fog that's transparent with litebright off, I think. all transparencies are shut off, it's especially noticeable on bloodsplatters). It's annoying, but the game runs well enough with litebright toggled that I can easily move to a spot where I can see anything on the ground.


'sides...wolves? I just swing madly at them anyway, so they can hide under that layer all they want, they're still gonna get whacked :3


I had a mod that did exactly what you ask I just need to find it

Cool. I didn't find any such mod in my brief search, but then I didn't try all THAT hard, to be honest. Most people completely ignore litebright mode for some odd reason. I suppose because it makes everything so ugly and washed out.


Here's hoping you find it~

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