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Samus Zero Suit conversion


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Well, I really enjoyed this mod in FO3 and I really want to see it in NV too coz its really good :)

I'd like to do it by myself but I'm rather new with FO's CS (Or how it its called?)

I'm talking about Samus Aran Zero Suit from Metroid:


Is it possible? I also apologize for being so lazy and noob, lol.

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The weapon is a better possibility, since you have different ammo.

The only problem is how to do that, since a 9mm handgun will only fire the same kind of bullets with the same animations and tracers...

You could try making it possible for a 9mm to fire a missile, and then come back to let us know how it went...


But generally, I remember someone making a mini-gun that shoots nukes, but it's not the actual projectile that's being shot, it's the effect being stuck onto 5mm rounds.


If someone can get different ammo to work, without relying on the weapon's specs, then it'll be interesting...


Shotguns have spread, so I don't know if you can modify shotgun rounds, put it into a 9mm gun, and somehow get the same effect (probably will need to make a huge spread modifier?)...

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Actually, each gun (and even thrown weapons) have a drop-down box where you can select the projectile. And you can define your own projectile records too in the GECK. That's why in FO3 people made weapons that shoot knives or cows or frag grenades or whatever.


EDIT: that probably won't be necessary, though, when porting an existing mod. Whatever own projectile it needed, is already in the mod.


EDIT: why not have a go at converting it yourself? Get the FOMM, change the MAST record in the root from "Fallout3.esm" to "FalloutNV.esm" and you already made it load in New Vegas. You may have to use the GECK to drop whatever crate they're in in some shopkeeper's home, but that too is easier than it sounds. Just drop the crate anywhere on a shop map, set the Y coordinate so low that it's effectively buried, set it to be owned by the shopkeeper NPC. There you go, now you can buy the contents there and didn't even have to aling the crate to look nice inside the shop.

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