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Activator Problems with My Mod


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Okay so, I have been working on a simple little player home design in the GECK.


Right here if you want to check it out: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58308/?


I decided to add a mirror and script it so you can change your hairstyle if you'd like. So I made the activator and it works, menu pops up and everything, but it is never the right way around, I have to TCL/NoClip through the wall to get to the side that works. I thought that maybe the mirror needed to be rotated, but that wasn't it, still did the same thing. Then I thought, "Maybe the activator is locked to a cardinal direction," but to no avail, even after flipping everything around to the way it should be if that were the problem, nothing. Also, I tried switching to a different activator to see if that could be the problem, no results.


Really I'm just looking for a solution that will help me get the activator the right way around.


All help would be appreciated.

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