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Glamdring, Sting, Witchking, Gimli Axe?


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Okay, I have Hadhafang Sword (Arwen's Sword) and Sword of the Kings - Narsil. Now if anyone can help me find, point me in the right direction, or post a link to such mods as the title of this post that would be great. I have heard and seen for sure that there is a Glamdring and Sting mod (not including Swords of Morrowind - in my opimiom the Sting sword is alright but I prefer a non-blue one :P ) but I've had no luck in searches and such. Any direction would be geatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Can anyone tell me where I can find some good textures for swords to apply onto my 3d models?


I plan on making An Axe and maybe a Witch King Sword, but i would need textures. That's the only thing i suck at.

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Okay, I found Gimli's Axe. There is one mod at


at the Mod Controls Database under "Ghimli's Axe" (guess the mod maker forgot how to spell it or just a mistake since he also spelled it like that in the read me). Then there's another in a LOTR weapons package at this link http://www.students.dsu.edu/rogersa/downloads.htm

which also has the Nazgul Sword (not Witchking though), Gimli's Axe (2hd and 1hd), Glamdring (alright looking), Hadhafang (alright as well), Strider's Sword (1hd and 2hd), Narsil, and Legolas' Bow (Elevn Bow) and his Swords (Elven Parrying Daggers - no offense the maker of the textures and meshes but they're awful, the second hand parrying dagger sits on the wrist and is not held and there still too small). I also have abther LOTR weapons pac that adds 5 weapons but I forgot where I go it :P .


Hey, if anyone's p to the challenge I'd like to see some good or decent Elven Parying Daggers (Legolas' Blades) or if anyone knows somewhere to get them that would be great.

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