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Homemade mod killing Oblivion?


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Okay, so I went and change how a girl looks in a companion mod. Save the file, load it in Mod Manager, and go load up Oblivion through the script extender. I get the Bethesda logo, and move to skip. Nothing. It freezes. So, I try again.


Same thing. I even sit through all the logos, and get the same result. Now, I'm need to making my own altered mods, but what the heck is going on?

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Ah yes, I thought this would be a general problem but here goes.


I got Rhianna Redux and changed her looks. All I did was changed her face, to something more like Abriael Human Races found Here.


And, agh....., here's the load order;



-Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm


-CM Partners.esm

-Colourwheels Sexy Female NPCs.esp



-Crowded Cities 15.esp

-Crowded Roads.esp




-Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp






-Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp

-Ring of console.esp







-Educational Magicka - 2.1.esp

-Kobu's Character Advancement System.esp

-Kobu's 2x Slower Skills Mod.esp



-Chocolate Elves.esp

-CM Partners.esp

-CM Partners NPC.esp

-CM Partners NPC NE.esp

-CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp

-CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp




-MyRhianna.esp -------> The Custom mod I made.


-CoH Werewolves Clothed.esp

-CoH ObXP patch.esp

-CoH Spawn Rates Increased.esp



And that's it. Should I have Rhianna and my custom running at the same time?

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It sounds like your game won't start because you are missing a master. I am not really sure how your recent modding made this happen, but it might be something for you to look at. What mods is your new mod mastered to?
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Question: Did the companion esp work propery before you changed anything in the construction set?


And one more thing: did you just tweak her face, or did you add new hair or change her entire race?

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The mod description says it requires OBSE. If you edited the mod in the CS without running OBSE, that might be why it won't load. Try reinstalling the mod, running the CS using OBSE, making any changes you want and save it. Read OBSE's documentation for more information about running the CS with it. Or, if it's too complicated, something like this can do it for you.


If your mod works off of a separate race mod, that can cause problems as well if not built properly, although you'll typically get a CTD when you try to load into the same cell as the NPC, so that might not be it. If it does work off of another race mod, let us know and we'll troubleshoot further.

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No, I did not use Wrye Bash, as I can not use Wrye Bash. I downloaded it, and it told me I needed a program to open it. Got what I thought would work but it didn't. SO I got rid of Wrye Bash.



It had worked in the past, so I thought it would work now. Hang on, I'll try to see if it works, but with out my add on mod, it loads up the game okay.


And all I did was change the face and hair around, I didn't change her given race.



The RhiannaII mod says it requires OBSE, so, per your advice, I got the launcher, remade the addon through CS by opening it with the launcher and tried again. Locked up when I tried to move to the Title screen.


And yes, my add on works off another race mod, the one in question being Abriael Humans. I gave Rhianna a mesh and texture found within the mod, as well as hair supplied by it, I believe.


This is really starting to tick me off, but I'm glad I'm getting help. I'd rather try to get it to work myself, rather than beg for someone to do it. It's just odd. I changed someone's look through GECK for Fallout 3 just fine, but this....., this is giving me problems. And here I thought they'd be similar.

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Okay, I'm not positive, but I wanna say when I tried editing my own companion using custom components... It no workie. What I seem to remember you had to do was convert the race from which your custom stuff comes to an .esm, then say some magic words and dance a sacred jig, as well as some other stuff, then convert it back. Or something like that. What I recommend doing is downloading the "CM Partners" mod. It should have a tutorial included on how to create your own CM Companion. While you won't be using CM, I think it also explains how to use custom races for such things.
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