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Just install QTP3 and having an outline issue


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You read the entire string and that is how you see it?


Because my first post was a completely benign question and he replied by stating the obvious:


"You need to read the documentation for things you download, really."


repeating it as an chide


"Documentation, it's your friend. "


Which I followed up with two more benign questions (because if you follow the string the documentation doesn't answer the questions) and he follows with another non-answer and veiled insult that I'm simple and/or lazy


"Read the ReadMe... Everything you're asking or reporting as problems is covered already. I know you're gonna think I'm a donkey for what I keep saying but,.. Read the documentation before you ask these simple, covered a thousand times already, questions.


Now if these were some hard to find, Google for 2 days non stop questions then I'd be more than willing to directly answer you or link you to the information. But this is not the case here."


I post another benign reply (further down the post it is established the answers are not in the documentation and/or i don't know enough to recognize them) asking another question because obviously there is a gap in my knowledge, and he replies


"Don't glance at it, read it.


And telling me to be reasonable, in what comes across as a smart ass tone, is obsurd. I think you should be the one to rethink what you're saying here. I've done nothing but try to help you, and point you in the right direction. Don't be upset with me because you didn't read the documentation for the mod you downloaded, just because I'm not willing to hold your hand through every step.


You're just ignoring information that's right in front of you, and I can never understand why people do that, then blame others for their laziness.


So I know you have this information in front of you, that's why I'm reluctant to spoon feed it to you. Please use your resources.


Like I said earlier... If this was hidden, expert level (lol?)"




Intermission :


So far I've asked three questions and haven't been ignorant in the least and he has told me to read the documentation 3 or 4 times, which we've established doesn't contain the answer, he gives me a link to a thread that actually goes to a forum that you can't use the search feature unless you sign up, and he has implied I'm simple, stupid, and lazy multiple times. But it get's better......



Finally I call him out on his behavior and try to continue the conversation in trying to solve my problem.


This will be my last post here, hotlinks and all since you apparently are missing EVERYTHING. This is a perfect example of why this forum gets thrashed all the time.


Now he is p....d because he decided I've made him have to give a real answer. He finally gives a functioning link which says nothing that the documentation doesn't already say which we've established doesn't answer my question, has continued to tell me to read the documentation which we've established doesn't answer the question, and now lays at my feet why this forum is not as cool as his super L33T forum.


So did I lose my patients in the last paragraph after 4 posts of being called lazy, stupid, simple, infant, lesser? Yeah. That's because I got the distinct impression from his comments and his "I know the answer but I'm not gonna tell you" attitude that he didn't reply to help but to "teach a noob" a lesson. But, what a "jerk" I AM asking questions that causes him to call me stupid, lazy and simple from the word go.

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There is only two things I'm going to pick out and comment very briefly on. I've said everything else I need to and I'm not going to continue with this nonsense.


which we've established doesn't contain the answer,

WE never established anything. YOU falsely established this in your head. The documentation that I referred to in my very first response does indeed answer every single question you had. You just refuse to admit you were wrong and didn't read the readily available information presented to you.


He finally gives a functioning link

Finally? I pointed you to this information from the start. Those links are on the TESNexus page where you download OBGEv2. You were obviously ignoring them or missing them so I simply repeated the information you were already given.


That's all I want to clear up. You're obviously more interested in bickering than actually solving the issues you originally came here for. Everything we've covered was available to you from the start in the OBGEv2 ReadMe.HTML and in the BethSoft Project Thread linked on the TESNexus Description page.

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I've got zero interest in bickering. If you read my last reply on the topic you will see that the borderlands effect was off in OBGE so something was bugging it on OR it was another feature. As for AA and HDR if you look, I directly quoted the read me and it states that ATI cards can force AA through catalyst in the sys tray. So yes I did establish that in both cases the read me file and forum thread were of no use.


I solved both problems on my own. I deleted the shaders that were installed by OBGE and for some reason this enabled my catalyst AA with HDR running in Oblivion.

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