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Graphics problem I think...?


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Hi everyone, I have attached an image showing what it seems to be a graphics problem, it just appears at some places/mountains/maps I don't know how to explain it, if I turn my camera around sometimes it dissapear depending where I am looking at, if I am still at whatever mountain, right in the middle, no matter where I look at, different kind of polygons? lights? with the same color (blue, green, red, black) show up like you can see in the picture. If I keep walking and reach another area or just by not looking at where it seems to be the problem, then everything goes back to normal, I can keep walking a few distance and if I turn around it shows up again. If I leave that area behind, then I can turn around and see everything as its supposed to. I tried googling and searching the forum but didn't find anyone with a similar problem, does anybody know what's going on? and how to fix this? It's really annoying.

Edited by X4vv
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My System Specs:
- OS: OSX Yosemite running Skyrim on Boot Camp, Windows 7
- CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K @ 4.2GHz
- RAM: 16GB 1600MHz
- Video: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750 2 GB GDDR5
- Disk Space: 250 GB SSD
Where is the game located? C:/Program Files(x86)/Bethesda Studios/Skyrim
Game version?
Any DLCs? Dawnguard, Dragonborn, HearthFire
Are you using NMM or any other mod manager? What version? Yes, 0.53.5
Are you using SKSE? what version? Yes, SKSE 1.7.1 rel 46
Any other helper programs? BOSS? LOOT? Tes5Edit? Wrye Bash? anything else? I use Mod Manager which I think it has LOOT included. Also I used Wrye Bash 305.0.0
I followed the "How to post a LOOT log" and this is what I get
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Hi guys, I'm having exactly the same problem as the TS.


I'm using NMM and sorted my .esp list with LOOT. It doesn't show me a 'details' tab after cleaning up, so I'm not able to post it here.


I'm using:

i5 3570K @3,4GHz

GTX 660 TI OC SLI (both 4 gb)


Steam and Skyrim installed on SSD


Furthermore, I'm using quite a few mods. Most important, the following (graphical) mods.


1. Skysight simply bigger trees

2. ENB (latest version) with Skyrealism Cinematic presets


4. 2K texture pack

5. Realistic Lightning Overhaul

6. Unbelievable grass


8. Touring Carriages

9. Superior Lore Friendly Hair

10. Immersive Armors


And some other mods, like footprints and similar non related mods. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I would love some help, because a friend whom I recommended this set of mods to runs it without any problem or bugs.

Big thumbs up in advance!

Edited by Thesuurable
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