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Death Alternative Addon


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Okay so I was thinking about dungeons and dragons the other day and if you have a decent human being along side you, when you die, you can be brought to a church and revived.

So I was thinking that you can write specific events within D.A itself. Why not..if you have a companion and bleedout, which would be the equivalent of death in this scenario, they could bring you either to one of the halls of dead or shrines in cities.


With the halls they could revive you through different options.


Companions with:

-High conjuration could use a type of necromancy.

-High alchemy could make a potion.


Blessings from certain gods could increase the chances of you being revived.

Players with gold could pay to be revived, involuntarily of course.


Of course none of this would be 100%, this could be affected from your location on the map, if you died in water, how you died, ect.


Maybe this could come with different animations, but of course that takes a lot of time and effort. No one like math either. So let me know what you guys think. If something like this already exists link it please.

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