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Could someone help me with eliminating clipping?


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I've been making my first clothing mod, and I've gotten pretty much everything where I want it to be with one exception. During the run animation there is some extreme clipping on the front part of the kimono. I've been screwing with it in blender for days now and can't quite get the balance between no clip and distortion of the underlying mesh. Right now it looks good in all states except for the run, so I'm afraid to change too much right now. If anyone has any light they can shed on the situation or help to offer I'd be very much appreciative. I've attached two images, one of the normal state and one of the clipping during the run.




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well I don't know what you have done at this point to weight your mesh but I usually use the copy bone weight in blender and copy the weight from the body to your mesh. to do this you will want to delete the existing groups before you try this or it probable wont work. if that doesn't correct the problem you will need to play around with weight painting your self and maybe adjust your mesh. if you plan to do a lot of this then you should try importing some animations into blender so you can see your problem areas before you export. sitting and sleeping are probable the worst and it may not be possible to eliminate all the tearing.
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I've done the bone copy, but I don't know if I've eliminated all the presets first, so I guess I can try that. I've been playing around with the weight painting which has given me some succes, and just bone-copying specific vertex groups to different bone parts, but I've found that last tends to really screw up the mesh shape unless done just right.


I didn't know about the animations. I'm not particularly worried about sleeping animations, just the running and maybe when sitting. How do you import animations into blender? Do you have recommendations on specific ones I should look for? A good part of the problem has been having to export new files every 20 minutes to check them in-game.

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Is that Shizuka?


That was my inspiration indeed. That and the lack of good kunoichi clothing that wasn't either full ninja gear or just a thong and high heels. Once I get the bugs worked out, and maybe sharpen the textures a little, I do plan on releasing it. Assuming that the authors of the meshes that I borrowed have no issues.

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Is that Shizuka?


That was my inspiration indeed. That and the lack of good kunoichi clothing that wasn't either full ninja gear or just a thong and high heels. Once I get the bugs worked out, and maybe sharpen the textures a little, I do plan on releasing it. Assuming that the authors of the meshes that I borrowed have no issues.

There is a Menace out, and Kurese made an Irma (Schatten lauf armor). Kurese also made variant bust size versions. Could you make yours have variant bust sizes as well, using the HGEC versions of small (must have this one please), medium, and large?
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Is that Shizuka?


That was my inspiration indeed. That and the lack of good kunoichi clothing that wasn't either full ninja gear or just a thong and high heels. Once I get the bugs worked out, and maybe sharpen the textures a little, I do plan on releasing it. Assuming that the authors of the meshes that I borrowed have no issues.

There is a Menace out, and Kurese made an Irma (Schatten lauf armor). Kurese also made variant bust size versions. Could you make yours have variant bust sizes as well, using the HGEC versions of small (must have this one please), medium, and large?


(chuckling) Please, give my poor noob skillz some time to adjust to the learning curve!


Incidentally, there's sort of a Tomoe outfit out there too, from the Hentai Mania 2 mod. Just a standard miko outfit, but since that's what she wears it's all the same stuff. I've got the Menace outfit already, didn't know about the Irma. I overwrote the menace outfit onto the Arena grand champion armor for a time, then switched it to the Serenity armor from Hentai Mania 1. Thought I might be giving the people of Cyrodil too much of a . . . show.

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